Aug 17, 2010

Images to Share

I spend a lot of hours searching for images to use in my graphics work.  It’s just part of what I do, and I’m always learning new ways and new places to look.  One of the side benefits is that I get to see some amazing things, and some fantastic artists.  Not all of what I find fits in with whatever my vision for my project might be, but they’re just too good to forget.
This amazing cat etching is the work of  Wenceslaus Hollar, born in Poland in 1607.  He lived in Germany, Netherlands, and England, and created 2700 etchings during his lifetime.  Click on the picture to enlarge, and save for your art.
Another charming illustration from an antique children’s book.  I love the dancing doll and the cat on the table!  Click on the picture to enlarge, and save for your art.
I want to talk about the paper you use to print your projects soon.  I’m doing some in depth research, and I’ll be back with my conclusions.  I’ll bet you can hardly wait!
Have a wonderful day from the Dog and me.

1 comment:

  1. Jan, thank you so much for your comments on my blog yesterday. Art IS hard work too. And it can be scary on those days when it feels like the well has run dry. So glad I found you!
    Blessings on YOUR artistry!
