Jan 6, 2011

Romance is in the Air

Vintage romance, that is.  I just love photos of couples from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, so I’ve reinterpreted some of them as a wonderful  set of tags that could be used for Valentines, Anniversaries, and every day.
They can’t quite bring themselves to hold hands, you see.
Which Anniversary would this be?
This set also includes some tags made from an old Valentine’s Day newspaper ad, along with some extra embellishments, all on two 8.5” x 11” sheets.  It’s called “Vintage Romance”, and you can find it ready to download at my Etsy store, Digital Antiques.  If you visit, please take a look at some of the new Valentine and Easter designs.
Thanks from the Dog and me!


  1. I love those old photos, too. My mom has a collage of old family photos on her old piano that I just love to look at when I'm home. They are real treasures. What a neat idea to incorporate them into tags!

  2. They're oh-so-thoughtfully serious, aren't they! So much of their charm. The stories they could tell! And I think it's wonderful that they aren't lost in piles of boxes or thrown away, but brought out and not forgotten...
    Hugs, Diane
